Racine County Jane Doe
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Body of woman found July 21st, 1999 remains unidentified
Can you help?


This unidentified female was located alongside a cornfield in Racine County, Wisconsin on 7/21/99.  The eyes and hairstyle in this reconstruction photo are the artists rendition and may not be accurate.
She had short brown hair, brown or hazel eyes, double pierced ears and slightly protruding front teeth. She weighed 120 pounds when located and stood 5 ft 8 in tall. 
She may have gone missing in June or early July of 1999.
Her cause of death was "multiple homicial injuries" as she was tortured over a two to four week time period before dying of her injuries. Needless to say, the person or persons responsable for this horriffic act need to be caught. Yet her case remains unsolved until someone can identify her. Could that someone be you?
If you think you recognize her or believe you know the city and state in which she may have lived please contact Porchlight International.

Porchlight International